Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 2, Day 1: Walking Pneumonia...

Well, I guess the title explains the last few running posts - yes, I've been diagnosed with Walking Pneumonia.  Actually, my whole family has been diagnosed with it - technical term is Mycoplasma.  I took the three youngest to the doctor on Friday morning while my wife was going to her doctor.  After those four were diagnosed, I took the two oldest in and they also had it.  The pediatrician said that it sounded like I had it also - so I went in Saturday morning, and, sure enough, the whole family is now being treated for it.

After receiving medication and an inhaler, I can breathe much better now.  My doctor suggested that I take the weekend off from running.  Today was my first day back on the streets, logging 1.52 miles at a 9:54 pace.  No wheezing, no shortness of breath - glad I went to the doctor.  There is a little bit of post-run cough, but that is hopefully just the stress on my lungs from the pneumonia.  Hoping to hit all scheduled runs this week with a long one on Saturday.

Here's my post-run pic - smiling and happy!

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