Saturday, February 11, 2012

Marathon Training - Week 3 Completed

It has been a very mild winter here in Michigan and that has definitely helped my training. It's been great for running the roads, although today was a bit snowy but not too slick. I've lost just over 15 pounds since mid-January and have slowly watched my mileage and pace per mile increase. Last Saturday I completed a long run of 9 miles. This week was a step-back week and I logged 6.82 miles at a pace of 8:48 per mile. Wednesday and Thursday of this week I pushed myself to runs of 5 miles @ 8:26/mile and 3.62 miles @ 8:17/mile. I've been feeling great and really enjoying my runs. Next week I will begin incorporating some weight training into my plan. S0 far this year I have run 112.44 miles!