Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marathon Training - Day 1

I've decided to use Hal Higdon's Novice II Training Guide found in his book Marathon! and on-line at www.halhigdon.com. I used the Novice I Guide when I ran my first marathon in 2008. This one has more mileage and will be a little bit more of a challenge. It also fits beautifully with my calendar because it lines up with a 1/2 Marathon in Gross Ile on March 25th. Today was an easy 3-mile run - I extended it to 30 minutes and totaled 3.36 miles at an 8:55 clip. Not too bad considering the road conditions. Tomorrow is a mid-week "long" run of 5 miles! Weather tomorrow is supposed to be upper 30's - should be perfect!

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