Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30th - Resolution Review

1.  Run my second marathon - Fall 2011
-  It looks like the Detroit Marathon and Grand Rapids Marathon will not work.  They are both scheduled for the same day and just happen to be the day after the Michigan State/Michigan football game.  After celebrating another Spartan victory, I'm sure I will not be up to running 26.2 miles the next day.  So, I'm looking at US Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH on September 17th.  Two weeks from today is the 5/3 Bank River Bank Run in Grand Rapids (25k/15.5 miles).  I'm ready, having run a total of 145.98 miles in April and 375.33 miles since January 1st.

2.  Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-  I'm at a loss of 20 pounds.  It's been slow and I have to admit I've become somewhat complacent over the last 6 weeks.  I'm rededicating myself the next two weeks prior to the 25k race.  I also have a 1/2 Marathon planned in Ludington on June 12th.

3.  Go one week each month without watching TV
-  Although I can't say that I've totally gone one week straight, I have greatly reduced the amount of TV that I watch - especially has I've been focusing on Goal #4 and have been reading quite a bit.

4.  Read one book per week
-  March and April have been strong reading months for me.  I read the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and would recommend, although the ending was pretty predictable.  I also read books 2-4 of David Baldacci's Camel Club Series.  I'll have to find the 5th book, Hell's Corner, to get up to date.  I've also begun reading the George R.R. Martin series A Song of Fire and Ice.  I am currently on book 4 - with each of them averaging about 1000 pages.  Great writing and highly recommended.  HBO has created a mini-series that just began airing - A Game of Thrones which is the title of the first book.

5.  Give up all soda pop for 2011
-  Nada, Zilch, Nothing!  But, man, have I been tempted of late - especially with the warmer water and Susan's Lent fast over.  We've had some Pepsi, Diet Coke, and A&W Root Beer in the house.  I see it and just want a little sip, to feel the burn, but I've held off and have been sticking to water, tea, and Crystal Light!  Yeah for me!

6.  Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-  Well, I've been hit or miss on this.  I have to say the week's that I have planned seem to go much smoother and I think we spend less on groceries.  I'm going to continue to strive for this.

7.  Make six extra mortgage payments this year
-  I am way ahead of schedule on this - and pretty amazed.  A big thanks goes to our nice tax refund, but, by our June 1st mortgage payment, this goal should be met!  So - time to change the goal!!!  We'll try for nine extra mortgage payments, and, if needed, bump it up to 12 later!  Yeah!