Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2011 Goal Updates - February

1.  Run my second marathon - Fall 2011
-I still have not signed up for a marathon as of yet - but seriously looking at either Detroit or Grand Rapids, which just happen to be the same day.  I'm gearing up for the 5/3 River Bank Run 25k set for May 14th.  I totaled 110.79 miles for the short month of February including my Saturday long runs of 10.02, 10.51, 11.51, and 9.15.  My average pace per mile has slowly dropped - hitting as low as 8:22/mile for a 7 mile run!  Feeling great!

2.  Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-Well, the pounds have slowly kept coming off.  I'm down 19 pounds since January 1st - although the last three weeks have been rather slow.  I'm looking forward to spring so we can be outside more often and have less temptations from being inside the house.  I continue to fight the urge to eat whatever I want because of how many miles I've logged.

3.  Go one week each month without watching TV
-unfortunately, I only made it 4 days this month.  I'll try to re-commit myself.

4.  Read one book per week
-I also was lax on this goal.  I did read one book from James Grappando and also quite a few magazines.

5.  Give up all soda pop for 2011
-Still crusing on this one.  Pop is such a convenient drink - especially when traveling.  And who wants to spend $1 on bottled water?  But, I've learned to bring my Nalgene bottle with me the majority of the time.  Susan has chosen to give up pop for Lent.  The best thing about giving up pop is that I'm not spending money on it!

6.  Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!!  Ugh - I'm putting it on the calendar and in my Outlook reminders right now!!!

7.  Make six extra mortgage payments this year
-I was able to overpay again this month - so I've officially made 1+ extra payment this year.  We are also getting back a much larger tax return than I would have liked (I thought I planned the W-4's better than that) - so sometime this month, I'll being making an extra payment that equals over two extra payments, which will leave the total at 3+ extra payments at the end of the month!  Woohoo!  Looking forward to being 100% debt free!

Susan - please kick me in the butt regarding items 3,4, and 6!