Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Goal Updates

1. Run my second marathon - Fall of 2011
-Although I have not officially signed up for a fall marathon as of yet, I am currently signed up and training for the 2011 5/3 River Bank Run 25k set for May 14.  I ran 95 total miles in January including long runs of 8,9,9,8.5 miles.

2. Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-So far I am down a total of 11 pounds through January.  The combination of running and actually watching what I eat is working.  Also, Goal #5 (no pop) probably has some influence.  Two weeks ago, I incorporated strength training into my exercise routine.
3. Go one week each month without watching TV (except for live MSU Spartan Sporting Events!!!)
-I accomplished this in January and will do so again in February.  Lately, watching live MSU Spartan sporting events (such as basketball) has not been that appealing!
4. Read one book per week, alternating with fiction and non-fiction titles
-I have read one book per week so far including refreshers on Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace and Total Money Makeover, The Broker by John Grisham, and another smaller Dave Ramsey book.
5. Give up all soda pop for 2011 (and maybe forever!)
-yes, I have gone one full month with no soda pop.  I have had a few beers though :)
6. Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-Need to work on this one.  My wife just called me out this week!!!
7. Make six EXTRA mortgage payments this year
-On our way - overpaid this month's mortgage payment by about 70%!!!  Looking to be mortgage and debt free by January 2014 - maybe sooner!!!

How are you doing on YOUR goals for 2011???

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