Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30th - Resolution Review

1.  Run my second marathon - Fall 2011
-  It looks like the Detroit Marathon and Grand Rapids Marathon will not work.  They are both scheduled for the same day and just happen to be the day after the Michigan State/Michigan football game.  After celebrating another Spartan victory, I'm sure I will not be up to running 26.2 miles the next day.  So, I'm looking at US Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH on September 17th.  Two weeks from today is the 5/3 Bank River Bank Run in Grand Rapids (25k/15.5 miles).  I'm ready, having run a total of 145.98 miles in April and 375.33 miles since January 1st.

2.  Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-  I'm at a loss of 20 pounds.  It's been slow and I have to admit I've become somewhat complacent over the last 6 weeks.  I'm rededicating myself the next two weeks prior to the 25k race.  I also have a 1/2 Marathon planned in Ludington on June 12th.

3.  Go one week each month without watching TV
-  Although I can't say that I've totally gone one week straight, I have greatly reduced the amount of TV that I watch - especially has I've been focusing on Goal #4 and have been reading quite a bit.

4.  Read one book per week
-  March and April have been strong reading months for me.  I read the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and would recommend, although the ending was pretty predictable.  I also read books 2-4 of David Baldacci's Camel Club Series.  I'll have to find the 5th book, Hell's Corner, to get up to date.  I've also begun reading the George R.R. Martin series A Song of Fire and Ice.  I am currently on book 4 - with each of them averaging about 1000 pages.  Great writing and highly recommended.  HBO has created a mini-series that just began airing - A Game of Thrones which is the title of the first book.

5.  Give up all soda pop for 2011
-  Nada, Zilch, Nothing!  But, man, have I been tempted of late - especially with the warmer water and Susan's Lent fast over.  We've had some Pepsi, Diet Coke, and A&W Root Beer in the house.  I see it and just want a little sip, to feel the burn, but I've held off and have been sticking to water, tea, and Crystal Light!  Yeah for me!

6.  Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-  Well, I've been hit or miss on this.  I have to say the week's that I have planned seem to go much smoother and I think we spend less on groceries.  I'm going to continue to strive for this.

7.  Make six extra mortgage payments this year
-  I am way ahead of schedule on this - and pretty amazed.  A big thanks goes to our nice tax refund, but, by our June 1st mortgage payment, this goal should be met!  So - time to change the goal!!!  We'll try for nine extra mortgage payments, and, if needed, bump it up to 12 later!  Yeah!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2011 Goal Updates - February

1.  Run my second marathon - Fall 2011
-I still have not signed up for a marathon as of yet - but seriously looking at either Detroit or Grand Rapids, which just happen to be the same day.  I'm gearing up for the 5/3 River Bank Run 25k set for May 14th.  I totaled 110.79 miles for the short month of February including my Saturday long runs of 10.02, 10.51, 11.51, and 9.15.  My average pace per mile has slowly dropped - hitting as low as 8:22/mile for a 7 mile run!  Feeling great!

2.  Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-Well, the pounds have slowly kept coming off.  I'm down 19 pounds since January 1st - although the last three weeks have been rather slow.  I'm looking forward to spring so we can be outside more often and have less temptations from being inside the house.  I continue to fight the urge to eat whatever I want because of how many miles I've logged.

3.  Go one week each month without watching TV
-unfortunately, I only made it 4 days this month.  I'll try to re-commit myself.

4.  Read one book per week
-I also was lax on this goal.  I did read one book from James Grappando and also quite a few magazines.

5.  Give up all soda pop for 2011
-Still crusing on this one.  Pop is such a convenient drink - especially when traveling.  And who wants to spend $1 on bottled water?  But, I've learned to bring my Nalgene bottle with me the majority of the time.  Susan has chosen to give up pop for Lent.  The best thing about giving up pop is that I'm not spending money on it!

6.  Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!!  Ugh - I'm putting it on the calendar and in my Outlook reminders right now!!!

7.  Make six extra mortgage payments this year
-I was able to overpay again this month - so I've officially made 1+ extra payment this year.  We are also getting back a much larger tax return than I would have liked (I thought I planned the W-4's better than that) - so sometime this month, I'll being making an extra payment that equals over two extra payments, which will leave the total at 3+ extra payments at the end of the month!  Woohoo!  Looking forward to being 100% debt free!

Susan - please kick me in the butt regarding items 3,4, and 6!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lose the Baggage!

What a difference a few/couple/many/alot of extra pounds make when you are a runner.  Over the last 8 weeks, I've been watching what I eat and running more and more miles.  The last two weeks I've posted over 30 miles with long runs of 11.5, 10.5, and 7.5 miles.  And with the change in diet and extra miles, I've manage to drop over 8% of my body weight.  I'm over halfway to my goal weight for the May 14 River Bank Run 25k - and I still have about 2-1/2 months to go.  And with this weight loss (and some strength training), my running performance has improved mightily.  On Saturday, I ran 11.51 miles at an 8:51 minute/mile pace - this while running into a fierce 15-20mph north wind for about 5 miles and almost 6 miles of hills.  When I first started my training, I'd was elated to break 9 minute miles for a flat 3 mile run - now I'm pushing 8:30 for 4+ mile runs.

And this week, as we are on our way to debt-free living, all of our credit cards have a ZERO balance on them!  Although we've always paid them off on a monthly basis, this is the first time in a long time that we've actually had ZERO balances across the board!  I love the new PerkStreet Financial debit card recommended by Dave Ramsey.  Looking forward to getting the mortgage paid off in the next couple of years so we can be totally DEBT-FREE!

Are you carrying around any extra baggage!  Whether its weight, debt, work stress, or even so-called friends, it's time to drop the dead weight and improve your LIFE performance!  You'll be amazed at how much better you feel - and how motivated you will become to be a better you!  You can do it!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 Goal Updates

1. Run my second marathon - Fall of 2011
-Although I have not officially signed up for a fall marathon as of yet, I am currently signed up and training for the 2011 5/3 River Bank Run 25k set for May 14.  I ran 95 total miles in January including long runs of 8,9,9,8.5 miles.

2. Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
-So far I am down a total of 11 pounds through January.  The combination of running and actually watching what I eat is working.  Also, Goal #5 (no pop) probably has some influence.  Two weeks ago, I incorporated strength training into my exercise routine.
3. Go one week each month without watching TV (except for live MSU Spartan Sporting Events!!!)
-I accomplished this in January and will do so again in February.  Lately, watching live MSU Spartan sporting events (such as basketball) has not been that appealing!
4. Read one book per week, alternating with fiction and non-fiction titles
-I have read one book per week so far including refreshers on Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace and Total Money Makeover, The Broker by John Grisham, and another smaller Dave Ramsey book.
5. Give up all soda pop for 2011 (and maybe forever!)
-yes, I have gone one full month with no soda pop.  I have had a few beers though :)
6. Plan weekly meals every Sunday
-Need to work on this one.  My wife just called me out this week!!!
7. Make six EXTRA mortgage payments this year
-On our way - overpaid this month's mortgage payment by about 70%!!!  Looking to be mortgage and debt free by January 2014 - maybe sooner!!!

How are you doing on YOUR goals for 2011???

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Short Bursts Make Big Gains

After running and walking for a few weeks, your body and muscles begin to adapt to your new routine.  In order to achieve continued fitness results and weight loss, you need to mix it up a little bit.  One method is to incorporate 30sec-1min bursts of speed into one of your weekly runs/walks/workouts.  I alternate every other Thursday with speed workouts and hill workouts.  On my speed days, I do a slow 10min warm-up run and then begin a speed workout of 30sec sprints with 1min recovery (5-10 repeats depending on how I'm feeling).  The last sprint I maintain for 1min.  It really gets the heart pumping and give all of your muscles a jolt.  Then end your run with a 5-10min cool down.

On hill days, I use the street in front of my house (because I have a nice hill!).  I do a 10min warmup run first, then do 6-8 hill repeats.  It's about a 1/10 of a mile from the bottom to the top.  I sprint up the hill and slowly jog back down.  Then I end the run with a 5-10 min cool down.  Again, the hills incorporate different muscles in your body and the short speed bursts up the hill really get the heart pumping.

Using speed interval and hill workouts will give you a nice change to your usually running routine, increase your overall fitness, and eventually increase your overall running times.  Try it next time you go out for a run!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Simple Things That Can Change Your Life - from

It’s no secret that we Americans love our TV time. Nielsenwire says that on average, we spent nearly five hours a day watching TV during the 2008–2009 season. That pushes the trend up 10% over 10 years ago.

If you’ve decided you don’t want to be normal, reducing your TV time is a healthy way to be weird. Here are just a few things you can do besides watch TV.

Review Your Financial Situation

An AARP poll found that 28% of Americans spent more time watching reality TV in a month than they spent planning and preparing for retirement over the past 10 years. Does that sound responsible to you? We’re not saying you should bury your nose in your financial statements 24/7, but you should know where you stand, what your financial goals are, and what your plan is to reach those goals. Dave’s team can put you in touch with professionals in your area who will help you address all your financial planning needs—from taxes to insurance and investing.

Read a Book

Motivational speaker Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” If you’re not a regular book reader, just take a leap of faith on this—even if you think you’ll never enjoy reading. You’ll benefit from the information you read, and the actual act of reading sparks your brain in ways TV never can. What should you read? Consider one of Dave’s books or check out some books he recommends.

Play a Game

Board games are not only fun for the whole family, they’re good for the whole family. Adults find game night a stress reliever as well as a great way for family members to reconnect. Kids enjoy the family time while building social and critical thinking skills. Need more incentive? The New England Journal of Medicine reports that brain-challenging activities like board games can reduce your risk of dementia by as much as 63%!


Really. Does this need further explanation? Studies show every hour spent watching TV drives up your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer. Personal trainers suggest you spend equal time watching TV and exercising. A simple evening walk or tossing a ball for your dog is better for you than time spent in front of the tube.


Before radio, TV, video games and cell phones, conversation was an important activity. People actually sat down with the single purpose of talking to each other. Conversation used to be considered an art—now we text, post Facebook comments, or just grunt at each other during commercials. What could you learn in a 30-minute conversation with your teenager? Your mom? Your grandfather? You’ll appreciate the people in your life when you’re intentional about connecting with them.

Have you set personal goals like these for this year? If not, don't wait any longer! Get help now creating and tracking your goals.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a new year - time to get back on track!

A new year is always a great time for a new start.  Maybe you've fallen off the wagon with your exercising, way over spent your budget on Christmas, or you just want to try something new.  There's no time like the present to reign yourself back to reality.  Take 5 minutes and write down some things that you'd like to accomplish this year.  Here are my goals for 2011.

1.  Run my second marathon - Fall of 2011
2.  Lose 30 pounds in preparation for running season - Jan-Apr 2011
3.  Go one week each month without watching TV (except for live MSU Spartan Sporting Events!!!)
4.  Read one book per week, alternating with fiction and non-fiction titles
5.  Give up all soda pop for 2011 (and maybe forever!)
6.  Plan weekly meals every Sunday
7.  Make six EXTRA mortgage payments this year

I'm sharing this post with all of you hoping to keep me accountable to my goals.  Make sure to share your list with others also - and keep them updated.  I'm looking forward to a great 2011 - leaning into tomorrow one day at a time!