Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day for...

Painting??? Yes, unfortunately. Northern Michigan was sunny and dry today - about 45 degrees and perfect running conditions. Was up and on the road by 7:00am. Finished an 11 mile run, showered, went to a baseball clinic meeting, and then came home to paint. At least there was some beautiful sunshine coming in the windows. We have a new addition on our house and I have to get the trim primed and painted so the carpeters can come and install. Then the new addition part will be done, so we'll move stuff in there, tear out old carpeting, repaint the older part, and new carpeting, etc. Hopefully I'll get it done before the real nice weather (60 degrees plus) comes.

As for the run, it was great. I have a slight Achille's pull or calf muscle pull or something in my bottom right leg. Been trying to rest but still get the long runs in and, finally, after about 4 weeks of dealing with it, it's getting better. Should be able to return to a full week of running next week and get back on the Riverbank Schedule. 12 miles runs the next two Saturdays with total mileage pushing 40 miles. Spring is almost here - but I'm sure Michigan is good for one more ice or snow storm.

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