Monday, October 12, 2009

It's been.. One year since

I ran the Chicago Marathon exactly one year ago today. What a difference the weather is compared to then. Last year it topped out around 86 degrees during the race and this year it's barely pushing 40 degrees. It's hard to comprehend the fact that I ran (and walked some) 26.2 miles! I ran 6.5 almost two weeks ago and am in no shape to add another 20 miles to that. After I finished, I was dead sure (and pretty much dead) that I would never do that again. Not just the exhaustion of race day, but the 18 weeks of training prior to it, were enough to say "never again - check that baby off the list." But I'm getting the itch to find a race for next May or June. I love the training schedule with the goal out in the distance. Staying on task and keep yourself accountable. Is our daily journey in life any different? Keep running...

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