Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stretching It Out

I pushed myself out to 50 minutes tonight - logging 5.34 miles at 9:27 miles. I think my euphoric zone or "runner's high" hit around 4o minutes because I felt like I was gliding for the last bit and even thought about pushing it out to 60 minutes. But I also felt my quads and gluteous maximus :) tightening up quite a bit. No sense risking injury for some personal pride.

This weekend is "Man Weekend" out at the cabin. I figured I better burn some calories before partaking in meat, meat, beer, meat, beer, beer, and more meat. We are hoping for great weather for grilling out, shooting guns, playing horseshoes, watching MSU football, and just "being men." It will be a slow start running again beginning next week - but hopefully I can make 60 minutes next Thursday! Keep running...

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