Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mind over Matter (or Time, I guess)

Had to get my long run in a day early - heading down to the Tigers' game tomorrow. It would be awesome if they won tonight, then we'd have the chance to see them clinch the division tomorrow afternoon.

After doing some interval work yesterday, wasn't sure if I should try to tackle a long run tonight or not, but the weather was perfect. Ended up running for 61 minutes for a total of 6.44 miles at 9:28 per mile. It's nice to be able to maintain the long distances, but a year ago I would have ran that in 8:15 miles. It's hard to believe that it's been almost one year since I ran the Chicago Marathon. I couldn't even dream about running 26.2 miles right now - I mean adding another 20 miles to what I just did? Crazy!?!?! But I'm getting the urge to start prepping for another - looking at maybe one in Toledo in late April. I've also found my goal marathon to run when I turn 40 - the Big Sur Marathon that runs along the Pacific Ocean coast in California. Check out the pictures at - pretty impressive and inspiring.

Keep running... and Go Tigers!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stretching It Out

I pushed myself out to 50 minutes tonight - logging 5.34 miles at 9:27 miles. I think my euphoric zone or "runner's high" hit around 4o minutes because I felt like I was gliding for the last bit and even thought about pushing it out to 60 minutes. But I also felt my quads and gluteous maximus :) tightening up quite a bit. No sense risking injury for some personal pride.

This weekend is "Man Weekend" out at the cabin. I figured I better burn some calories before partaking in meat, meat, beer, meat, beer, beer, and more meat. We are hoping for great weather for grilling out, shooting guns, playing horseshoes, watching MSU football, and just "being men." It will be a slow start running again beginning next week - but hopefully I can make 60 minutes next Thursday! Keep running...

Monday, September 21, 2009

15min Letdown

So much for popping off about a 45min run. After a long weekend away from home (I did do some walking and bike riding around Mackinac Island), I went out for my run tonight and absolutely killed myself just to finish a 15min run. I'm sure the 6 beers in about 45 min on Saturday (after watching my beloved MSU fall to the irish of notre dame) didn't help. Nor the french dip sandwich, onion rings, and beer sampler at Big Buck Brewery on Sunday afternoon.

Need to get back to the basics of eating well and running well. I'll hit it again tomorrow with some hills and interval training. I'm sure that will really kill me!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

45 Minute Reflection

I have a copy of a movie that I've been wanting to watch, but just haven't gotten around to it. It's called "The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner." I have this idea of what it's about - and maybe I've delayed watching it because I don't want to ruin the fantasy that I've created on my own runs. This afternoon I did a 45 minute run. Now that is certainly not a long-distance run by some standards, but from where I've been that last couple of months, it qualifies to my standard. When I started out, I had not intention of running for 45 minutes - but a left turn here, back country mile here, and next thing I knew, I was further away from home than I planned and the only way to get back was to keep on running.

And you know what? It felt GOOD. And there is a certain loneliness to it. Just you and the road, your music, and your thoughts. A time for reflection, or a song bring backs a memory, or a reminder, and all of sudden energy permeates throughout your body. I won't kid you - the last 10 minutes were brutal and full of sun, but I persisted and won the battle.

Maybe I'll watch that movie tonight - not to ruin my holistic vision of how I perceive it, but maybe to understand how someone else understands this personal time of you and the road. I like to run because it's between me and me - and I hope the positive, good, healthy me wins.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On the Road Again

Wow - it's been a while since I posted. That's because there's a little bit of guilt in the air... associated with not running and staying on task. Update: I won the "Biggest Loser" and lost the motivation. I laxed off and have only been running on and off through the summer. Now that school has started again and Susan and I are back into a regular routine, it's been easier to stay focused and make a schedule.

Susan and I have also had some changes in our church life. Although we have retained our membership at the local Methodist church, we have been regular attending a Lutheron Missouri Synod church. Anna has begun pre-school there also. The Methodist church made some changes with the contemporary service (and now doesn't have a praise band due to a leadership issue). It also lacks a general direction for purpose and how to achieve it. We have been impressed with the leadership, mission, and goals of the Lutheran church.

So - please come back and check regularly. Although this is now MSU tailgate season, I am back running and trying to eat healthy and get back on track. I'll give myself some leeway on football Saturdays in East Lansing! :)