Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

It's back to Michigan winter temperatures with some freshly fallen snow out there. I like to run in the cold and it was perfect today - about 28 degrees with just a light wind. I ran my longest run yet in this new year - 42 minutes totaling 4.5 miles. It felt good and it's good for you! Did some lifting today also - building some muscle. I lost another 2.5 pounds this week in the Biggest Loser contest - down 19 pounds total. What a difference from 6 weeks ago - both in weight and how far and fast I can run.

My friend Chris Jane is a Christian singer/songwriter. He just received copies of his newly published CD - Watching the Leaves Go By. He's the former Praise Band Leader at my church and is extremely talented with a God-centered heart. Check out his webpage at and you can also listen to some of his songs or buy his CD. You'll enjoy it!

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