Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feel Good Day

It's a beautiful, sunny, warm day today. Topped out at 57 degrees on February 10th - wow! I had one of my speed workouts today. I did a 5 minute warm-up run then a 20 minute interval training where I ran hard for 1 minute, ran easy for 1 minutes, and so on. It was a good workout and for that 20 minutes, I average 8:35/minutes per mile. This once a week activity will help slowly increase my speed. Last week I did some hill training where I would run as hard as I could up the hill, then jog back down - repeating 10 times. Now that was a workout. It was cold and I thought my heart was going to burst.

I have a church council meeting tonight and I've been thinking a lot about what I am going to say. These runs really give you time to think. Anyway, in my 365 Worship the King devotional, last night's message was perfect timing. It talked about what the church is and what it should be. One important message to take with you - "It's not always 'What Would Jesus Do,' but we should be asking, 'What Is Jesus Doing With Our Lives?'" Amen!

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