Saturday, February 7, 2009

February Warm-up

Wow - it's 42 degrees outside! It felt great to run without my fingers feeling like they were going to fall off. It was a little windy, which made it a little more difficult to run, but it still felt great. At least it wasn't raining yet - it's supposed to sometime today. It will be a mess out there if/when it does.

I ran 3.84 miles today at a clip of 9:10 per mile. Yesterday I ran 2.5miles at 8:52/mile. My speed is increasing. Since I ran a marathon last year, my goals this year are to run leaner and faster. I'm going to run 5k and 10k races with the ultimate goal for breaking 20 minutes for a 5k race. Right now I'm about 27:40 - So I have a ways to go. Two years ago, I ran a self-timed 5k in 21:30 - So, I think I can do it. Of course, this hope is based on no injuries and continued weight loss. I'm done about 17 pounds since the beginning of "Biggest Loser." Yeah!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're looking leaner and faster already!
    I love you,
    The Wife
